Saturday, May 17, 2008

Practical 2

The first part of the practical 2 is to find two different type of website based on our research topic. The website is of the category personal and organizational. The personal website is about a person of that particular research topic and the organizational website is about a organization. The personal website that I find out is which is about Dr. Evangelos Michelakis , a professor in the department of medicine at University of Alberta. Michelakis has shown that dichloroacetate (DCA) causes regression in several cancers, including lung, breast, and brain tumors. This site accept fund for different cancer researches. The organizational website that I found out is This website is about the cancer research institute which is one of the top institutes in cancer immunology. The institute was found in 1953 and had achieved many milestones in cancer immunology. The website describes about there history, mission, achievements, programs etc. The second part of the practical is to describe the search facility I used and the keywords that I used for the search. I used the Google search engine and I used the keyword like
Cancer research
Personal cancer research website
Blogs for cancer research
Cancer research organization
New trends in cancer research

The third and fourth part of the practical is two cite the source and to create a blog for UIR.

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